Curriculum and Technology

As I peruse through the National Curriculum in order to begin planning for next year I am led to think about how technology sits within a subject area. I always maintain that the technology should not be something that we add on but something that should be integral to how students learn.

At least the documentation puts technology in the forefront and uses some good reasons for it. For instance it makes reference to collaborative learning through technology and discusses ways that teachers can engage students with the language used online in the English curriculum documents. If we have to use Standards it’s absolutely necessary that they recognise the world in which students live.

If only they were not such a politically correct grab bag of the latest targets, Asian studies and indigenous studies being the standouts!

Author: loremipsem

I am Head of Teaching and Learning and teach English at an independent School in Melbourne. I am passionate about using technology as a learning tool and I love reading and literature and language.

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